? ??????????????Koi Fish Windows? ????? ?? ???Rating: 0.0 (0 Ratings)??490 Grabs Today. 613 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Light Bubbles? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.0 (2 Ratings)??266 Grabs Today. 1756 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Star G BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

it's the glowing sunset!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

gone with the wind


nine left...

then six left

tomorrow..there will be only three

i love you.. sorry furballs...

everything i love slowly dissappear

leaving me alone

good bye baby

another tough moment for our family

to let him go...

it's cruel world out there my dear

cruel enough for a baby like you

it's time to be independent

it's time to choose your own shirt

it's time to buy your own food

it's time for you to have friends

which you never had any.. before

just remember

we'll never left you behind

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Patah hati

You Just Dont Know

Patah hatiku

Membawa derita

Merajuklah diri

Merajuk diri

Tak tentu haluan

Kuharap janjimu

Bahagia selalu ... sayang

Rupanya patah

Ditengahlah jalan

Patahlah hati

Teruslah merajuk

Merajuklah sampai

Merajuk sampai

Ke hutan belukar

Hati yang panas

Kembalilah sejuk ... sayang

Burung terbang

Sangkar balik ke sangkar

Thursday, May 6, 2010

story of the moon

bulan sabit

Last night... I looked out my window. Pointed my eyes to the sky. There ain't no stars. Only the moon. Bright and shiny..yeah.. you're still the same. Moon... remember those time I looked at you... talking about how beautiful are you, what is your shape looks like at the time..sometimes you are pearly full round shape, sometimes like the doraemon pocket. Remember all my childish talk and song of the moon. All the giggles and cute jokes. When the distance is so far... the moon is the metaphor for borderless bound between us.

But the moon is no longer entertain me. The brightness of the moon didn't brighten my heart. Lenka's -like a song is my lullaby. A haunting melody and dark emotion spread in my room... tears on my red  pillow and memories of unforgetable moments.

"time make it go faster
or just decide
to come back to my happy heart"

Friday, April 30, 2010

a broken bone is stronger

myspace comments

What would happen if we got back together
They do say that broken bones bind stronger
could we be stronger too?
We probably lie, fight, and hurt each other, again
and get sick of it
and go our separate ways
forgetting how much we missed each other
forgetting how much we regretted it all

Thursday, April 29, 2010

acidic diet. let's give a shot

a new start of diet. i'm no longer hungry. the fist day is awful. i think my stomach is full of acid. Just vomited some this morning. Let's see how things go today. Will I be more slender?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the white rose of eternal love

This is actually a translated lyric of a chinese song. Given by someone to sooth my feeling, the time where I'm lost and alone. The song that I listen again and again, until I memorized every single line of the chinese song. Tong Hua means fairytale. Sorry ed, doesn't mean to use your tagline :p. Now I have the same feeling and this song keeps playing in my mind. Fairy tales are always beautiful. Everybody feels good when reading fairy tales. But does it comes true? Well, basyirah said life is wonderful. It is...Thanks Allah for still giving me chance to breath. Thanks for surviving me through this whole day. -You are the eternal love ever after

Fairy tale are always a tale.

I've forgotten how long it has been
since the last time I heard you
Tell me your favorite story
I have thought for a long time 
I start to panic
Wondering if I have done something wrong again

You told me you cried
That everything in fairy tales are all lies
I couldn't possibly be your prince
But perhaps you don't understand either
Ever since you told me you loved me
All the stars in my sky have brightened

I'm willing to become the one in the fairy tale
The angel that you love
I extend this pair of hand
and turn them into wings to protect you

You must believe

Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale
Where blessing and happiness in the ending

~when the whole world ignored me
only you couldn't leave me alone~

edisi bahasa pasar

Semalam saya ngan ain turun bincang ngan ketua umh. Banyak gak yang tak puas ati. Pasal bil dan tuduhan2 diorg kt kami-the master room girls. nyampah! nak cakap ape2 face 2 face la makcik. Ade ke... sebab ada member2 kitorang datang tumpang tido jadi punca bil letrik naik 200%. Orang datang tu senior2 kitorang dari rumah sewa lama. Datang sebab ada urusan fakulti, hantar report praktikal, jumpa lecturer. Diorang takde pun bawak laptop. Ye la... diorang cas henset sampai bateri penuh. Tak sangka yer... cas henset ni pakai karen tinggi. Kagum sekejap kitorang duk pikir tentang kerelevenan tuduhan diorang. Rasanya kipas tetap berpusing dengan kelajuan yang sama. Lampu dalam bilik pun 2 bijik tu je takde bertambah menjadi 4 bijik bila tetamu datang. Ntah apa2 la nak kutuk org. Macam la diorang takde ajak member kat rumah. Apapun saya ngan ain tetap bertegas yang bil kali ni ada silap. Tengok tarikh bacaan akhir pada Januari, bacaan semasa dah bulan April, no wonder la sampai banyak tu. Ada la pakcik letrik silap tekan ape2 kt mesin ajaib dia tu... ni cam ape ikottt jer nak byr ikut jumlah dalam bil. Takde ciri2 celik pengguna langsung. 

Dan beberapa isu2 peribadi yang berbangkit. Mungkin tak patut ckp tapi terkebil2 jugak dia menjawab bila kami tanya. Cakap kat blakang kemain lagi. Bila depan senyum2 je. Memang la banyak salah faham berlaku bila hanya kami berdua+ asma je yang lain course. Tapi tu bukan sbb utk korang berpakat nak ketepikan kitorang dalam apa2 urusan kt umh. Kalau ada yang tak puas hati sila la bagitau dan kitorang leh cuba untuk perbaiki apa yang patut. Bukannya tutup pintudan potpet2 dalam bilik. Masing2 dah matang kan. Barang2 kitorang yang hilang secara misteri pun kami takde nak ckp byk kali. Erm... tapi maaf, saya tak halalkan apa yang dihilangkan tu. Jawablah exam korang dengan cemerlang..moga berkaaattt.